•  Work time: Monday - Friday: 10:00 - 19:00
  • (+34)916422058
  • info@icsoneasyspeed.es

Legal warning

In accordance to the article 10 of the law 34/2002, of 11 of July, the services of society of information and electronical commercialization (LSSI-CE) puts into their disposition the following information:

The present web page www.isconeasyspeed.es is propriety of the society NINGXY S.L., which social headquarters are domiciled in Calle Piedrafita 1, Poligono Industrial Cobo Calleja, 28947, Fuenlabrada (Madrid), registered under the NIF B-87148706, our phone number being 916 422 058 and email info@icsoneasyspeed.es 

NINGXY S.L., as responsible of this web page, assumes the compromise and responsibility of processing the information and personal data of our users and clients guaranteeing and fulfilling the compromise the requisites demanded by the General Rules (UE) 2019/679 of data protection (RGPD)

As an user, its important that you understand and know some of the terms before continuing your navigation, which is important that you read the general conditions of purchase and sale, where you’ll find all the information relative to the legal terms and conditions between the users and to us as responsible of the webpage.